Tag Archives: express plumbing

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Clogged Garbage Disposal at Home What Should I Do

Clogged Garbage Disposal at Home: What Should I Do?

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You’ve probably been there before. You put some end-pieces of food down the garbage disposal, turn on the water, and flick the switch. Quickly the sink fills up with water, and even the grinding of the disposal does nothing. You have the dreaded clogged garbage disposal. But as frustrating as it is, don’t stress. By learning what causes a backup and following a few tips, you can get your garbage disposal up and running in no time at all.

Why is my garbage disposal backing up?

Our San Mateo plumbers serving the Bay Area have reported that several culprits can cause clogged garbage disposal, but the most common reason is improper usage. Many people throw all types of food in the sink that shouldn’t go in there. Furthermore, if you’re not using enough water when you use the garbage disposal, the system can’t flush the food particles down through the trap and pipes.

One of the less common reasons that you should consider if you’re using enough water and only flushing the right types of food down the drain is the condition of the blades. Over time, food can dull the blades of the system, and they’re no longer sharp enough to cut the food into small enough pieces.

Furthermore, a unit that’s 15 years old or more may be at the end of its useful life.  If you end up with a clog, give our experienced technicians a call.  As your local Bay Area plumber, we’re here to make sure drains flow properly so you don’t have to worry about it.

How to drain a clogged garbage disposal?

The good news is that you have several options to drain a clogged garbage disposal. Before getting into these, it’s important to note that you should avoid drain cleaners. While these may work, they’re not environmentally friendly and should only be used as a last resort.;

One of the most efficient ways to clear a clogged garbage disposal is to use a plunger. You can use a toilet plunger, but for sanitary reasons, you may want to consider a sink plunger, which is also a bit smaller and makes it easy to plunge away.

Another option is to use an environmentally-friendly mix of baking soda and white vinegar. Pour one part of baking soda down the drain followed by two parts white vinegar. This will cause a fizzy chemical reaction that can break down food in the line. Flush it clear with water after about 20 minutes.

As a last resort, you may have to give us a call to amend the problem. Don’t go under the sink and start taking apart pipes or the garbage disposal unless you’re confident in your abilities. Otherwise, you might make the problem worse or your sink inoperable.

How to avoid a clogged garbage disposal?

If you want to avoid a clogged garbage disposal, don’t put any of these foods down the drain:

  • Eggshells
  • Coffee grounds
  • Fruit pits
  • Pasta
  • Grease and oil
  • Celery
  • Bones

Each of these items can clog or even break the garbage disposal. If you have quite a bit of acceptable food, make sure to put it down the drain in small batches to avoid overworking the unit. You should also keep the water running while you’re grinding up food to flush it down the drain and through the pipes.

Finally, you should conduct proper maintenance on all your drains and plumbing throughout the house. Throw ice in the drain once a week to sharpen the blades, as well as a lemon, which can help break down certain foods and provide a better odor.

A clogged garbage disposal is a nuisance, but with preventive ideas and maintenance, you can steer clear of the problem altogether.

These tips and more are available from our experienced crew of plumbers in the Bay Area.  We’ve been serving our community for multiple decades and operate 24 hours if you ever need us.  We look forward to serving your home or business.

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You’ll Love These Cool Plumbing Hacks Around the House

You’ll Love These Cool Plumbing Hacks Around the House

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The easiest way for a homeowner’s day to be ruined is waking up to the drip of a leaking faucet, or the backup of water in the shower or tub. However, you don’t have to let these occurrences keep you from other obligations or activities. These five easy and quick plumbing hacks will allow you to remedy the problems and enjoy the rest of your day.

Homemade Drain Cleaner

Poor drainage is generally a small, but annoying indoor plumbing problem. This lack of water flow is usually caused by minerals, food, or hair buildup. If you have tried the usual baking soda or pot of hot water down the drain and came up empty-handed, a concentrated homemade drain cleaner is the quick and easy solution.

To create this homemade drain cleaner, start by pouring a pot of hot water down the drain. Then, add ½ a cup of vinegar and ½ a cup of baking soda into the drain. Let sit for 10 minutes. Follow up with two pots of boiling hot water to clear the drain. If the drain isn’t cleared, give our team of Bay Area plumbers a call, we’ll get your clogged drain flowing right quickly.

Increased Shower Water Pressure

Showers can be the most relaxing part of your day. It can be a time to unwind and de-stress before or after an event. But if your shower’s water pressure isn’t quite up to standard, a soothing experience becomes an annoyance. Fortunately, you have numerous ways to increase your shower’s water pressure, even if you aren’t a DIYer.

Three simple fixes could turn that shower into a high-pressure stream instead of a dribbling hose. The first is to dip your showerhead in a bowl filled up with vinegar and let it sit overnight. Afterward, clean the surface of the head with a toothbrush to break up any particles or debris.

The second option would be to check for kinks or knots within the hose if your shower uses a flex pipe instead of PVC or metal piping. If you have PVC or metal pipes, simply check to make sure all valves are opened. The third and final tip would be to flush the lines in your water heater to improve water pressure and flow.

Stop A Running Toilet

The constant drone of a running toilet is not only an annoying sound but a telltale sign that it needs a bit of TLC. However, you can easily resolve the issue in a few simple steps.

One way to stop a running toilet would be to check the required water height and examine the float. If the water levels are low in the toilet, it could cause the toilet to run continuously. Checking the float and the water levels could help alleviate this problem.

If the water levels are normal, you could have just a simple issue with your flapper. Check your flapper and see if the lack of suction is the reason your toilet will not flush properly or continues to run. If this seems to be the case, drain your tank, remove the flapper, and take it with you to the hardware store to find another flapper that fits your toilet. You can also order a one size fits all flapper online if that suits your needs.

Handy Options for the Novice Handyman

Even if you aren’t the handiest homeowner, knowing a few quick, simple, and long-lasting fixes can make homeownership just a tad easier. With any luck, you can put these problems behind you and enjoy a functional plumbing system that makes cooking, cleaning, and bathing a cinch.

If you’re a homeowner in the Bay Area, we’re here to help you with all your plumbing issues.  From clogged drains to leaky faucets, repairs, and new installations.  Whether the issue is above or underground.  Give us a call for a plumbing quote.

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Costs are Rising, Use these Cost Saving Tips Around Your Bay Area Home

Costs are Rising, Use these Cost Saving Tips Around Your Bay Area Home

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In April 2021, inflation rose by 4.2% — the biggest year-over-year change since September 2008. As a result, nearly every basket of goods in the consumer price index is rising, making budgeting and cost-cutting a necessity for American households. However, cost-saving tips aren’t limited to buying less. Employing certain hacks can save money around your Bay Area home, giving you more money to spend on the things you want or need. Here are some options to put more money in your pocket each month.

Install Low-Flow Faucets in Your Sinks

According to some studies, replacing your current faucets with low-flow options can save up to 60% on your water bill. In most cases, you don’t need a commercial-strength faucet to cook or wash your hands, so putting these in your home is a no-brainer. If you like strong water pressure for your showers, leave the showerheads and replace everything else.

You can also add a water aerator to your faucets as an alternative or in addition to low-flow faucets. These devices screw onto the faucet tip and dilute the water stream with air, which uses less water without a marked decrease in water pressure.

Our plumbers in San Mateo have installed thousands of faucets throughout the Bay Area.  Ask us for a quote today.

Install Curtains and Blinds

If your Bay Area home has a significant number of windows that face east or west, curtains and blinds can reduce your energy costs. Reflective blinds can deflect sunlight during the summer, saving you as much as 45% on your energy bills over the course of the year. In the winter, turn the heat on and close the drapes to reduce heat loss by up to 10%, saving you even more on your bills.

Quit Drinking Bottled Water

Bottled water is a major drain on household expenses throughout the year. Even at $5 a week, that adds up to an unnecessary expenditure of $260 a year. Plus, the plastic bottles can pose a threat to the ocean or end up in a landfill where it could take up to 450 years to completely decompose.

Tap water is potable throughout the Bay Area, giving you an almost free source of H2O. If you’re averse to tap water, buy a water filter. Even with the cost of the unit and the disposable filters, you can still save around $200 a year.

EPS Inc. a division of Express Plumbing works closely with local municipalities on potable water tank inspections.  If you ever have a question about drinking water and what you can do around the home, simply give us a call.

Insulate the Water Heater

Unless you have an on-demand, tankless water heater, insulating your water heater tank can save you as much as 9% on your energy bills each year. All you need to do is buy an insulating blanket and wrap it around your water heater, which enables the unit to keep 40% more heat in. With the blanket in place, you won’t have to feel guilty staying in that hot shower a little while longer.

On-demand water heaters are our specialty.  We’ve installed them at homes and businesses throughout the Bay Area.  Need to know more?  Simply reach out to us and we’ll be glad to help.

Come Up with Your Own Hacks

The tips mentioned above are easy to do and can save you hundreds of dollars a year, but don’t stop there. Come up with your own hacks around the house, do a job that you normally pay someone else to do, or have a family meeting to come up with ideas. The money you save just might be enough for that summer vacation you’ve wanted.  If you have new ideas you’d like to share with others, send them to us and we’ll be happy to share them in our future articles.

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How Do I Know if My Plumbing is Bad

How Do I Know if My Plumbing is Bad?

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A working plumbing system is vital to the comfort of living in your home. However, you can’t simply ignore it. Plumbing requires at least yearly appointments from a professional, but sometimes you can curb plumbing issues by remaining vigilant. By keeping an eye out for these telltale signs, you can tell if your plumbing is bad and get the proper maintenance you need before it becomes a serious or catastrophic issue.

Slow Draining in Fixtures

A kitchen sink or a shower draining slowly is an obvious sign that you have a plumbing issue. Typically, this is the result of hair, food, or soap scum build-up within the area below the drain or in the pipe.

In most cases, you can fix the clog yourself. Simply remove the drain cover in your bathtub or shower and pull out the hair. In a kitchen sink, clear the food out of the pipes or run your garbage disposal. If neither of these fixes the issue, you may need to give us a call to snake the line.

Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure is a common issue in older homes, especially those homes that haven’t been retrofitted with wider PVC pipes. However, a temporary lack of water pressure isn’t always an issue, as it could be the result of a water main issue.

If you consistently have low water pressure, it’s the sign of a larger issue. You may have several leaks or clogs in your pipes that can significantly reduce water pressure. Over time, this can cause more severe leakage or clogs that can cause your drains to back up. So don’t neglect this issue.

Our San Mateo plumbers use leak detection cameras and other methods to inspect the lines in your home.  Identifying any potential problems early will help you fix them quickly and cost less in the long run.

Dirty Water

Discoloration of your water is another problem that homeowners often face. Sometimes, the local water company will identify this as a system-wide problem, which often results in boil orders.

If a boil order hasn’t been issued for your neighborhood or city, it could be an issue with your pipes. Brownish water is often the result of iron seeping into the line from older pipes or a problem with your water heater. If you notice blue or green water, corrosion might be the culprit. Either way, you’ll need to call us just to make sure.

Noisy Pipes

A properly functioning plumbing system should never make any audible noises other than the sound of water running through the pipes when you turn the water on. If you notice rattles, whines, or any other suspect noise, you could have bigger issues.

When your pipes make noises, it’s usually a surefire signal that you have a leak or your bleed-off system isn’t working right. Both issues are not easily fixed by a novice, so make sure to contact us as your local plumber so we can identify and isolate the problem.

Even if you’re not a natural handyman or DIYer, simply looking for symptoms of bad plumbing can protect your home and investment. Once you’ve identified any problems, don’t hesitate to call our experienced local plumbers.  It could make the difference between a small issue that can quickly be fixed and a massive plumbing problem.



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How Plumbing Improves Our Daily Lives and Our Planet

How Plumbing Improves Our Daily Lives and Our Planet

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Modern plumbing has changed the lives of Americans over generations. In 1950, 25% of households and 50% of rural areas lacked either running water, a toilet, or a bathtub/shower. Today, just 0.64% of American homes are without running water — a testament to the prevalence of modern-day plumbing. But with the advancement of plumbing has also come another boon: saving the planet. With water-saving fixtures in abundance, Americans enjoy convenience at home and the satisfaction of preserving the world — one drop of water at a time.

The Convenience and Innovation of Modern Plumbing

As innovative products continue to hit the market, plumbing has become more than just a modern convenience; in many instances, it’s a luxury item. From the amazing to the borderline excessive, here’s a look at some of the current plumbing products that continue to revolutionize the housing market.

Tankless Water Heaters

The days of the giant water heater tank are over, well, at least if you have the budget to upgrade to a tankless water heater. Using a heat exchanger, these systems heat water as it flows through the device, providing on-demand hot water without the need to wait. In addition, tankless water heaters can save up to 34% on energy costs compared to traditional water heaters, saving you money each time you turn on the tap.

If you’re looking into a tankless water heater in the Bay Area, call us for a free estimate, our team of experienced plumbers have installed hundreds of instant water heaters for homeowners throughout the San Francisco Bay.

Smart Products

Smart products are becoming a part of daily life for many Americans. From doorbells to virtual assistants, these products are all designed to make life just a bit easier. In the past five years, smart products have branched out into the plumbing sector. This includes products that detect leaks, purify water and alert you of any bacteria via Wi-Fi and even Bluetooth showerheads.

Touchless Faucets

Although touchless faucets have been around in commercial buildings for a decade or so, they’re becoming more popular in homes. Using a sensor to detect the presence of an object, these faucets turn off and on without you turning the tap. Not only is this more convenient, but it can also save you money while you’re multitasking in the kitchen or bathroom.

How Modern Plumbing Improves the Planet

While modern-day plumbing offers the utmost convenience, it also improves the well-being of the planet. Droughts and water shortages have become a regular occurrence in many parts of the world. But with water-saving plumbing fixtures, these instances are becoming a thing of the past.

Furthermore, modern plumbing practices in the U.S. are being applied in other areas of the world that don’t have access to clean water. Through various international initiatives, underprivileged areas are now receiving water for the first time — helping to quench thirst and eradicate waterborne diseases at the same time.

Express Plumbing is a division of EPS Inc. which specializes in underground construction, civil engineering and is also involved in working with local municipalities to regularly inspect underground drinking water lines.

Like any other industry, the plumbing sector continues to evolve and grow. With more new homes built every year and the plumbing profession growing by 4% over the next 10 years, chances are that new products will continue to make indoor plumbing safer, convenient, and planet-saving.

As your Bay area plumbers for multiple decades, our goal is to have you enjoy your home without plumbing issues but to also preserve our planet by advocating for advanced environmentally friendly plumbing solutions.  Contact us for all your residential and commercial plumbing needs.






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Spring Home Plumbing Maintenance Tips

Spring Home Plumbing Maintenance Tips

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Although you may have your sights set on warmer weather or cleaning the house after a long winter, the spring season is also the perfect time to take care of your home plumbing maintenance. Not only will regular maintenance decrease the chance of more catastrophic problems, but it will also help you assess your needs moving closer to summer.

Checking the Pipes Underneath Your Home

One of the top priorities for spring home plumbing maintenance is checking the pipe underneath your home. During the winter, pipes underneath the home become susceptible to cracks and damage that can cause significant problems in the spring. Therefore, you should look for puddles of water or leaks around these pipes to ascertain the severity of the damage.

Along with water pipes, sewer lines also run underneath your home. Because of the issues caused by a sewer backup, you’ll want to inspect the sewer line every spring and drain it as necessary. Some telltale signs that your sewer line is clogged includes:

  • Several plugging fixtures clogged
  • Water backs up into a tub or shower when flushing the toilet
  • Drains running exceptionally slow

If you find that your plumbing is suffering from any of these, you may want to drain the sewer lane and check it for clogs. In most cases, this is more easily done by a professional. But if you have some knowledge, find the main sewer line and run a snake through it to fix the issue.

How To Maintain Your Pipes and Drains

Remember that everything you put down the sink, toilet, or shower ends up in your pipes. As a result, you might want to discuss the issue with your family members. Make a specific list of objects and substances that shouldn’t go down the drain, including:

  • Eggshells
  • Coffee grounds
  • Fat and oils
  • Paper towels
  • Paint and cleaning solutions

By keeping these out of your drains, you can avoid clogs and other plumbing issues.

Test Your Sump Pump

If your home has a sump pump in the basement, spring is the ideal time to ensure it’s in working order. To test your sump pump, dump a bucket of water into the pit where the sump pump is located. If it’s working properly, it should turn on, drain the water, and then deactivate the pump. If it fails to do so, you may need to consider replacing your sump pump.

Flush Your Water Heater

If your water heater is around 15 years old, it could be near the end of its useful life. But that doesn’t mean you can’t take the proper steps to ensure it lasts as long as possible. Inspect the bottom edge of the water heater for corrosion, flush the water heater during the summer, and check the fuses.

Not everything on your list of spring home plumbing maintenance tips are for the novice DIY homeowner. In some cases, you might require the help of a professional.

So if you notice any problems or need the knowledge of an expert, don’t hesitate to contact us at Express Plumbing in San Mateo.  We have been serving the entire Bay Area since 1989.  Our residential, commercial and municipal customers rely on our expertise to get the job done efficiently.

Rely on our plumbing experience and transition to summer by enjoying your home headache-free.

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Why You Should Never Pour Hot Oil Down Your Drain

Why You Should Never Pour Hot Oil Down Your Drain

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Your plumbing system is the lifeblood of your home. Without it, you can’t wash dishes, take a shower, or water the lawn. As such, you should treat every component with the utmost care. However, situations arise that can potentially damage your plumbing. One of these is drain clogs. While these can be caused by many scenarios, one of the most common problems is pouring hot oil down the drain. Find out why you should never pour hot oil down the kitchen sink and other tips to keep your drains and sinks flowing smoothly.

Never Pour Hot Oil Down the Kitchen Sink

It seems like a no-brainer. Hot oil is a liquid, and liquids go down the drain. However, the hot oil is a substance unlike any other. Regardless of the type of oil, these substances can clog or cake the insides of the drain.

For example, coconut oil, bacon grease, and vegetable shortening are spectacular for creating stir-frys or creating delicious meals. But while they liquify at high temperatures, they solidify at room temperature. When you pour these down the drain, they eventually reach room temperature, creating an impenetrable clog that can prevent proper drainage and water flow.

And while olive oil, canola oil, or avocado oil are liquid at room temperature, they’re also hydrophobic. In short, that means they don’t like to mingle with water. When you pour these oils down the drain and turn the water on, they immediately separate. Instead of being flushed through the plumbing system, they cake on the sides of pipes. Over time, this can create a bottleneck, which eventually leads to significant clogging that requires the work of a plumber.

How to Properly Dispose of Hot Oil

If you regularly use butter, oil, or fat for cooking, proper disposal is essential. Fortunately, it’s not all that difficult. Start by selecting a container such as a coffee tin or other vessel that won’t melt due to the high temperature of the oil. Pour any leftover oil or fat into the container each time you cook.

Once you’ve filled the container, you have two options. The easy choice is to just chuck the container in the trash. But if you’re more of an environmentalist, call one of your local recycling centers. Most of the time, they’ll take your fat/oil concoction and give you a few pennies for your trouble.

Other Drain Clog Prevention Tips

The kitchen sink isn’t the only drain you should keep clean. Bathroom sinks, bathtubs, and showers are equally as important. That’s why you should take these tips to heart:

  • Put a drain guard over sinks and shower drains to keep out hair and soap scum
  • Brush your hair before you take a shower or bath
  • Don’t flush certain objects down the toilet such as paper towels or other bulky items

Because so much depends on clear, clean drainage lines, you shouldn’t leave anything to chance. If you’re iffy about whether a substance can go down the drain, don’t pour it down the sink. Instead, dispose of the substance properly. As a result, you’ll have a clean plumbing system that you can depend on when you need it the most and avoid clogged drains throughout your home.

Express Plumbing has residential plumbers in San Mateo County standing by to help you if you ever need us, but part of our commitment to the Bay Area community is to provide you with preventative tips in order to properly take care of the plumbing pipes and drains in your home.

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Your End of Year Plumbing Checklist Is Here

Your End of Year Plumbing Checklist Is Here

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As the year comes to an end, you have plenty to worry about. Getting prepped for next year, hanging out with family, and finishing up year-end projects are all part of the plan. But one thing you shouldn’t neglect is your plumbing. With this end-of-year plumbing checklist, you can make sure all your fixtures and pipes are ready for winter and next spring.

Have Your Sewer Inspected

One of the most severe plumbing issues (and grossest, too) is when your sewer backs up. This is especially important with more use during the holidays or if you work from home due to COVID. That’s why you should have your sewer inspected by a professional. By taking a proactive approach, you can avoid any nasty situations, as well as determine any potential problems that need to be addressed in the near future.

Toilet Maintenance

According to some estimates, a running toilet can waste up to 26 gallons a day. In a year, that translates to around 10,000 gallons. Multiply that by the average U.S. price of water ($1.50 for 1,000 gallons), and you’re throwing away $15 a year for each toilet in your home.

While that doesn’t sound like much, analyze the alternative. Replacing the flapper or float on your toilet costs just a few bucks and makes your toilet run like new. If you’re already running down a plumbing checklist, this task is a no-brainer at minimal cost or effort.

Check for Leaks

Leaky pipes and fixtures aren’t just a money pit. They can also impact your house through water damage or mold, which can adversely affect your health. As a result, you should always check your home for leaks at the end of the year. Always check areas such as crawlspaces and the basement, as these are notorious places for leaks.

Leaking fixtures are easier to check. For sinks, just turn them on and look under the sink for moisture. In bathtubs and showers, turn them on and search for water coming out from anywhere other than the spout or showerhead. If they’re leaking, you might just need to tighten the bolts, replace the washers, or soak the showerhead in CLR or vinegar.

Inspect and Flush the Water Heater

During winter, your water heater is your best friend. You should treat it as such with a quick inspection and maybe even a flush. Make sure that the temperature gauge remains around 120 degrees, and that you don’t see any leaks, rust, or condensation on the tank. If you haven’t flushed your water heater, now’s the time. This will remove sediment that can reduce efficiency or substantially shorten the life of the water heater.

Although you can probably manage many of these tasks with minimal knowledge about plumbing, don’t let important or potentially serious issues fall by the wayside. For tasks you can’t complete on your own, make sure to call our experienced Bay Area plumbers at Express Plumbing. If you’re looking for a gift for the homeowner in you, check out an annual preventive maintenance plan. With one of these in place, you can minimize the chance for catastrophic damage and ensure your plumbing system keeps humming all year long.

From our entire team at Express Plumbing, we wish you a happy and healthy new year.

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Do You Know What Ends Up in Plumbing A Few Interesting Things Found!

Do You Know What Ends Up in Plumbing A Few Interesting Things Found!

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Few people can remember the time before indoor plumbing. A time when using the bathroom meant a trip outside, regardless of the weather or temperature. But today, indoor plumbing is a luxury that many people take for granted. It makes every person’s life easier, as long as they maintain their pipes and plumbing system.

However, plumbers have plenty of amusing stories. All kinds of items end up in pipes, toilets, sewer lines, and other fixtures throughout the home, leaving your plumbing professional with tales to tell for years to come. Here are some of the best.

Strange Items in the Toilet

Plumbers already have to deal with nasty clogs and human sewage. But these natural byproducts and substances aside, they still find strange or interesting things from time to time.


If you have to hurl, make sure to take your dentures out before doing so. One plumber in California complained about a clog, and when the plumber snaked the toilet, a pair of dentures came out. Turns out the owner of the home had a meeting with the toilet after a night of heavy drinking.

Hair…Lots of Hair

Hair is a common blockage in many bathrooms drains. But some are longer than others. On several occasions, plumbers across the country have removed hair clogs totaling more than 8 feet. That’s just gross.


Toys end up in the toilet all the time. But when kids flush them down, the weirdest blockages occur. Plumbers have reported everything from dinosaurs to rubber duckies and more.


A plumber in Ohio reported finding four class rings in one plumbing job. Going the extra mile, he returned the rings to the individuals, creating an impromptu class reunion. Few other ring loss stories have such a happy ending.

How to Prevent these Items from Entering Your Plumbing System

Prevention and good habits are a one-two punch that can prevent extra phone calls to the plumber. Some tips to keep foreign objects out of your plumbing include:

  • Keeping your ring in a box or safe place; never laying it next to the sink
  • Having a small chest or container in the bathroom for bath toys
  • Cleaning the hair from your drains regularly, especially if visible, or add a strainer at the drain to catch the hair.
  • Supervising children in the bathroom at all times

Sometimes, random items will enter your pipes even when you take the proper steps. In these instances, you can always try plumbing or snaking the drain yourself. If that doesn’t work, enlist the help of a trusted, reputable, and qualified plumber.

Other Items to Keep Out of Your Plumbing System

In addition to random objects, jewelry, and toys, you should also keep these items out of your plumbing system:

  • Grease
  • Dental floss
  • Harsh drain cleaners
  • Fibrous vegetables and other food items such as egg shells, rice, onion, celery
  • Wet wipes (even the “flushable” variety)

Each of these items can cause a nasty clog that’s often unremovable without the help of a plumber. Therefore, it’s best to prevent these from entering the plumbing rather than trying to clear the clog afterward.

Although the above stories are amusing, they’re far less entertaining when they actually happen to you. So, make sure to take the necessary steps to keep foreign objects out of your toilet and keep up on routine and preventive maintenance. By doing so, you ensure a fully functioning plumbing system that won’t become the source of funny or horrifying plumber folklore.

With the holidays upon us, and kids at home, there’s a lot for you to handle, just know we’re here to assist when you need us 24/7 including holidays and weekends.  Consider us your “always ready” local plumber.

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What Is No-Contact Plumbing During COVID-19?

What Is No-Contact Plumbing During COVID-19?

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Critical to the infrastructure of businesses and residences, our Bay Area plumbers are still essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet many homeowners may justifiably feel uneasy about individuals in their home for an extended period of time. However, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has revealed COVID-compliant guidelines to protect both plumbers and homeowners from exposure.

By following these protocols, no-contact plumbing has become the new normal for our San Mateo plumbing crew, allowing us to make repairs and conduct routine maintenance. Paired with our own safety guidelines, homeowners should feel at ease. Here’s a glance at how we are practicing no-contact plumbing during COVID-19.

What Is No-Contact Plumbing?

In general, no-contact plumbing is a set of guidelines in the COVID-19 era that help maintain safety between homeowners and plumbers. Both the CDC and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have presented methods to limit exposure to the virus. Some of the basic ideas of these no-contact plumbing protocols include:

  • Asking questions as to whether the maintenance is absolutely necessary to help limit contact between individuals
  • Social distancing and mask-wearing
  • Personal protective equipment worn
  • Scheduling to prevent contact between individuals

By adhering to these guidelines, our customers and employees have far less risk of exposure to COVID-19, as well as reduced fear or anxiety.

Personal Protective Equipment

Due to sanitary reasons, and company guidelines our crew is already equipped with personal protective equipment (PPE) prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, we now take extra precautions. Our plumbers wear masks, eyewear, gloves, and any other PPE deemed necessary for the job. In addition, we may also include a face shield to further reduce the risk of spreading or exposure to COVID-19 where it is deemed necessary.


Another method of reducing exposure to COVID-19 is through various scheduling methods. In the COVID-19 era, we strategically schedule each appointment to minimize contact and offer scheduling appointments via the internet or phone to reduce contact between individuals.

If the repairs are outdoors, we make arrangements with the homeowners to schedule the service even if they’re at work.

No-Contact Plumbing Service Payment Options

While cash is king in the business world, the CDC and OSHA, now prefer no-contact payment options after service. COVID-19 can survive on paper products for 24 hours and plastic for two to three days. As a result, cash and credits cards aren’t the preferred method of payment. Instead, homeowners can now pay through various mobile payment options.  Ask us about all the no-contact payment options we have to put your mind at ease.

Fully functional plumbing is a necessity in any household. Ignoring a problem until it’s too late can not only cause potentially unsanitary conditions, but also cost you two or three times the amount of the original maintenance.

You shouldn’t wait to call us as your local plumbing company when necessary.  In the wake of Covid-19, our interactions may have changed when we come to provide you with a plumbing service, but by following proper no-contact plumbing guidelines, both parties can maintain safe distances without fear of exposure to the virus. That’s a win-win for both sides.

Consider us your trusted San Mateo experienced plumber.  We look forward to providing you with a safe no-contact plumbing appointment when you need one.

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Express Plumbing
307 N. Amphlett Blvd San Mateo, CA 94401
Phone: (800) 246-6425 $246 - $6425
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