Water Saving Tips for Homeowners
Water supplies are limited, we are urged everyday to be water wise by reducing the amount of water we use in and around our home. Use some of these water saving tips to help you conserve water, and lower your bills at the same time.
Now, we all know that water is essential to our everyday lives, but here are some minor changes we can each make to change our daily habits.
Saving Water Inside The Home
- Wait until you have full loads of laundry instead of running the machine half full. This can save up to 50 gallons per week.
- Get plumbing leaks repaired fast, the longer you have a water leak, the more water you are wasting. Fixing a leak quickly can save up to 20 gallons per week.
- We all enjoy a nice long shower, but cutting down the amount of time we spend in the shower by 5 minutes, can result in 8 gallons of water savings per week.
- Being water wise can be as simple as turning off the faucet instead of leaving it running while we brush our teeth.

The Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency (BAWSCA) offers multiple water conservation rebate programs to help you use water efficiently indoor and outdoor.
Visit: http://bawsca.org/conserve/rebates
Water Saving Tips Around the Home
- If you’re in California, you more than likely got the memo from your local city urging you to water your lawn a maximum of two times per week instead of everyday. This water saving tip can save up to 840 gallons per week.
- Inspect your sprinkler system regularly to make sure there aren’t any leaks, this includes the sprinkler heads on your hose. It’s best to turn the water off at the source and not let it sit in the hose with a broken sprinkler head. Over 400 gallons per month are saved if you make this simple inspection a habit.
- Water plants early in the morning, this is better for your plants, a great water and money saving tip since it results in a savings of up to 40 gallons per day.
- Another great outdoor tip would be to alternate the use of a broom instead of a hose when cleaning the driveway. Every Time you use a broom instead of a hose, you can be saving up to 25 gallons of water each day.
If you’re doing your part, tell your friends and neighbors about it, and urge them to do the same.
As a respected Bay Area Plumbing company in San Mateo CA. We’ve been serving our local community since 1989. We are always providing our clients with tips, product options, and advice that help them conserve our much needed water and save them money.
Do you have other ideas and tips you’re implementing that can help others? Send us a quick message and let us know, we’d love to tell everyone else to do the same.