When it’s Time to Hire a Plumber
Many homeowners choose to fix a clogged sink, a toilet that constantly runs, or small-time plumbing problems on their own. While this can save them money, oftentimes the root of the issue remains. This ticking, plumbing time bombs can eventually turn from a small problem into an utter catastrophe. Before you decide to channel your inner amateur plumber, look for these signs and know that it’s time to hire a plumber.
A plunger or a snake is a moderately effective home remedy for clogs, but if the stubborn ball of drain matter refuses to vacate, don’t resort to drain cleaners or other ideas you read online. Harsh chemicals can do irreversible damage to your plumbing system while unsubstantiated quick-fixes can do the same. Instead of opting for this route, call a plumber that has the knowledge and tools to amend the situation correctly.
Low Water Pressure
If you have 10 guests over for a visit and four are taking a shower at the same time, you might experience lower water pressure than normal. But if you have the same issue with only one tap or shower on in your home, you may need to call a plumber.
Sometimes a minor clog is to blame for low water pressure, but in other instances, the situation may be more severe. A water leak, fractured pipe, or an eroded waterline can all lead to sub-par pressure. If you can’t solve the complication with minor fixes, contact a professional.
No Water
Unless you turned the water off for some reason and forgot to turn it back on, there are almost no scenarios where you shouldn’t have water. In the event that water fails to come out of the tap or shower, something has gone horribly awry.
Major leaks, backups from the main water main, and frozen pipes are all sources of no water. Unfortunately, these problems are difficult to repair and even harder to diagnose. Leave those jobs to someone with the training and specialization to get the job done right.
Dripping Fixtures
According to a report from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), dripping and household leaks account for over 10,000 gallons of wasted water each year. With a limited supply of freshwater in many areas, this is a cause for concern. To compound the issue, the extra money you spend on 10,000 gallons of water could go toward a vacation, savings account, or junior’s college education.
For these reasons, it’s important to fix any dripping issues or leaks. While you might have the expertise to do the repair on your own, don’t waste precious time when you could contact a plumber. They’ll find the problem and repair it so you can continue on with your regular routine.
Your home isn’t only your refuge; it’s an investment that you want to keep in tip-top shape. If any of these plumbing signs arise, don’t wait. Call a professional plumber today and fix the problem before it spirals out of control.
Express Plumbing is a division of EPS Inc. Our company has been providing engineering, plumbing, and underground construction services for multiple decades throughout the Bay Area. Contact us with any questions or concerns you may have relating to plumbing, sewer, underground utilities and more.