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3 Common Residential Plumbing Questions & Answers

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As a trusted plumbing company, we regularly get asked plumbing related questions, whether our plumbers get asked on-site or we get answer requests on the web. We’ve compiled a quick list we hope you’ll find beneficial.


My toilet keeps running long after flushing, how can I quickly stop that?

A running toilet, can waste a lot of water, it can also be quite annoying to hear the sound non-stop.

The reason your toilet keeps running is the rubber flap in the back of the tank. Take the top off the back of the tank, flush the toilet and watch the flap. Does it close the opening all the way? If not, re position the flap directly over the hole, and that should stop it.

Our hot water runs out quickly, I haven’t called a plumber because we get hot water, it just doesn’t last, what can I do?

Answering this question will depend on the type of water heater you have. Type and size of the water heater will have an effect on the amount of hot water produced.

If you have an electric water heater, one of the heating elements could’ve stopped working. There are two elements that heat up the water, one is on top and the other is on the bottom, thus reducing the amount of water available.

The size of the water heater and capacity will also make a difference, usage, etc. Did your family size recently increase? Are you running appliances you never ran before or more often?

Our experienced Bay Area plumbers will look at various situations, and test to determine the reason for the problem. Our estimates are complimentary, for a more detailed diagnosis, it’s best to call a plumber on-site.

You may also want to consider a tankless on-demand hot water heater. There is no tank, and the water is heated as its being requested throughout the house, so you never run out of hot water.

I have an ongoing issue with a clogged drain, it’s happening more frequently, can you tell me what could be causing this and if it’s safe to use chemical drain cleaners often?

Drains get clogged for multiple reasons, in the kitchen for example, if you’re not careful with what you put down the drain, the buildup can cause it to clog. In the bathrooms, hair, soap scum, oil residue, etc.. can also cause continuous clogs.

If the problem is persistent, you could have issues with other areas in the pipes such as tree roots, or a clog further down the drain. A video camera inspection should reveal the exact location and allow our plumbers to eliminate the problem for good.

As to whether it’s a good idea to continuously use chemical drain cleaners. We prefer preventative measures such as drain covers that minimize what goes down the drain, rather than harsh chemicals.

Drain cleaners are toxic, it’s not a good idea to keep them around the house with pets and children around. You may want to check into drain protection covers or bacteria and enzyme solutions available on the market, safer for the environment and safer on the pipes.

For serious clogged drains, contact our Bay Area Plumbers to clear the lines quickly.


We hope you found some of these topics helpful and something you can benefit from at your home.
If you have plumbing, and home improvement questions you’d like answers to, feel free to contact us, we’ll have our experts give you their professional advice and share it on our site with other homeowners.

If you need a reliable plumbing company in the Bay Area, we’ve been providing services since 1991 to commercial and residential clients. Our plumbing estimates are complimentary, and we take price in providing the highest quality plumbing service, guaranteed.

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Tankless Water Heater Endless Water

How Much Money does a Tankless Water Heater Save?

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On demand water heaters, often referred to as tankless water heaters only produce hot water when you need it.   There is no water storage being heated therefore you save money, but how much money does a tankless water heater save?

How It Works

A tankless water heater has no tank, so no water is being heated when not in use.  When you turn the hot water faucet on in the house, cold water travels through the unit, gets heated and delivered to you.

Generally, the hot water is delivered at a rate of 2-5 gallons per minute.

Electric or Gas Tankless Water Heater?

Gas operated tankless water heaters produce a higher flow rate of hot water than the electric ones.

If you’re in a large home, the gas fired tankless model can’t supply hot water simultaneously for multiple users like the electric one does.

Operating Costs of Gas or Electric Water Heaters

Cost and Savings of an On-Demand Water Heater

The initial cost of purchase and installation is more than you would pay for a conventional water heater, but the savings and return on investment are much better.

  • Tankless water heaters have lower operating and energy cost
  • Life expectancy is more than 20 years when compared to 10 with traditional water heaters

Tankless Water Heater Client Review

When Chris and Joan started looking at switching their traditional water heater to a tankless one, they weren’t really sure it’s worth the time or investment.

We worked closely with them and provided all the details and statistics available relating to energy savings over time.  They made their decision and the San Mateo tankless water installation happened without a glitch.  Here’s what they had to say:

If you’re in a home that uses 40 gallons of hot water daily, you can expect 24% to 35% energy savings, if you use more hot water, the savings are even more and up to 50%.

A tankless water heater is energy efficient but that energy efficiency can be better optimized with proper installation and maintenance.

There are many factors to consider, therefore it’s important to hire an experienced tankless water heater contractor that understands the various fuel types, local climate, building code regulations, safety issues when dealing with gas operated water heaters.

Express Plumbing in San Mateo CA has over 25 years of experience in new installations, maintenance, and plumbing repairs.  We’ve worked with apartment complexes, residential homes, commercial businesses, and municipalities throughout the Bay Area.

If you’re ready to learn more about on-demand hot water heaters and want to get a no obligation, complimentary estimate, give us a call or request a quote.

We’ve been serving the Bay Area since 1989, we take pride in providing excellent service throughout the area.  We would love to help you save money and get your home energy efficient with a tankless water heater installation.

Complimentary Tankless Water Heater Estimate

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Is a Burst Pipe Emergency Covered by Insurance?

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An emergency involving a burst pipe is an unexpected financial burden to homeowners and business owners. Does your insurance cover a bursting pipe? Here is the information we found to help you avoid unforeseen costs.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, homeowners’ insurance does cover unexpected burst pipes and the damage it causes, however insurance does not cover the damage resulting from an ongoing slow leak that was left and not repaired.

How to Prevent Bursted Pipes?

There are major problems associated with a burst pipe. Even a small crack can flood your home, besides the visible damage, water damage under the carpet, wood floors and in the walls can cause mold if not dealt with immediately.

Here are a few recommendations to help you avoid burst pipes.

  • Learn More about emergency release valves.

  • Avoid frozen pipes in cold areas by properly insulating exposed pipes.

  • Prior to winter drain all outdoor pipes and faucets and disconnect the hoses to avoid bursts.

  • Schedule a yearly maintenance inspection by a licensed contractor.

When it comes to plumbing emergencies, prevention is key. Our team of plumbing technicians regularly performs home plumbing inspections, and routine evaluations to identify potential problems from wear and tear.

How to Handle a Pipe Burst?

If you experience a bursting pipe, and you do not have an emergency shut off valve, you must react quickly to minimize the damage.

  • Locate your house water valve, know where this is at all times.
  • Turn the valve clockwise to shut off the water to your home.
  • Verify the water has been shut off by turning on your water hose outside, which should stop if you properly followed the procedure.

Our Bay Area plumbing company has helped thousands of homeowners avoid emergency bursting pipes by providing regular maintenance inspections.

We have also installed hundreds of shut off valves to help them avoid water damage and repair costs if they have a pipe burst while away from home.  We are also open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week including holidays and weekends.  If you ever have a plumbing emergency, give us a call and we’ll quickly help you.

Taking small steps to avoid unnecessary repairs and expenses is very important. There’s nothing more frustrating than paying for insurance coverage, have a pipe that bursts to later find out it’s not covered due to improper maintenance.

Know your insurance policy, and understand your particular coverage to avoid unnecessary expenses.
Our plumbing company in San Mateo accepts insurance claims, we will communicate with parties involved to insure a timely repair and avoid any further unnecessary costs.

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Bathroom Remodeling Saving Tips

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You’ve decided to remodel your bathroom. Use these tips to get a new look without flushing funds down the toilet.

Have a Solid Bathroom Remodeling Plan

When you’re working with a budget, you may think working with a designer professional is pricey, but a proper plan can save you both time and money.

Having a good plan with a budget forecast and a timeline will make the path to your perfect bathroom easily achievable.

Improve But Don’t Move The Plumbing

Replacing the old pipes may be necessary but leaving the plumbing pipes where they are is less costly than moving them to another area in the bathroom.

If your bathroom doesn’t have a shower and you’re adding one is fine, but moving where the existing toilet pipes are to another location may be a costly task you’ll want to avoid.

Bathroom Remodeling Ideas

Photo Credit: Ideal Standard

Bring In Natural Light

During a bathroom remodel, many consider changing or adding light. Shop local sales for affordable lighting or bring in outdoor lights with a skylight if you have easy roof access.


Photo: BathroomDesignIdea.com

Don’t Flush the Toilet in the Trash

If your toilet is in great shape, consider only replacing the toilet seat and cover without replacing the entire toilet.

Photo Credit: DIY Network

Photo Credit: DIY Network

Faucets and Fixtures

Updating the faucets and fixtures is sometimes a must due to hard water residue and normal wear.

Only replace the faucets that are damaged and try to match the ones you are keeping.

For example: If the shower head is in great shape, leave it and replace the sink faucets only to closely match the shower head style and material.

As a professional Bay Area Plumbing company since 1989, we’ve worked closely with architects, designers, homeowners and business owners on many bathroom remodeling projects. With every project, we aim to save our clients time and money by making suggestions that leaves them smiling without breaking the bank.

If you’re thinking about remodeling and need a bathroom remodel plumbing expert, look no further. Give us a call or stop by our plumbing company in San Mateo. Our team is experienced, and gets it done to meet your budget and timeline.

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All About Shower Pumps

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Shower pumps help increase the water pressure.  Bathrooms these days are considered a place for renewal and refuge. No matter how big or small a room is, people still want to make their bathroom as spacious as possible.

If you like to indulge in luxurious baths or take energizing, vigorous showers but often times you’re discouraged from the lack of water pressure, there are some effective methods to remedy the situation.

Increase Water Storage

shower-pumpsThis is the most common and obvious method of installing a shower with increased water pressure.

When you increase the storage of cold water in the tank that is responsible for feeding most of the outlets of cold water and hot water, you provide yourself with an added distance between the shower and storage. This method is very effective, however, it is quite extensive and can require some cumbersome labor.

Why Shower Pumps?

When you want to increase the pressure of water within your shower stall, you need to use an electric device termed as a shower pump. Shower pumps can give your shower a consistent water flow and steady pressure regulation when installed.

Shower Pump Choices

Before buying a water pump, you need to understand the level of pressure and the type of water system that you use within your home.  Our experienced Bay Area plumbers will help you select from a wide variety to choose from by explaining the details and pressure levels of each one.

Single Impeller Pumps

A single impeller is installed between a shower head and a mixer valve with a single driving blade. It is a form of straightforward pump, which is often used if you have a medium range of water pressure and not so low levels. Since this form of shower pump does not have any added features or benefits, it costs quite less and it is also easily available in stores.

Twin Impeller Pumps

The twin impeller is based on two separate valves that helps the regulation of water pressure for both cold and hot water. If the water pressure within your house is less than 0.5bar, then twin impeller is the best choice for you. Moreover, this type of shower pump comes equipped with added features such as automatic shut down and regulation if either hot or cold pressure increases enough to cause scalding.

Added Benefits

A lot of shower pumps also work as a thermostatic mixer which gives you a regulation of temperature for water as it flows. This feature is quite useful as it prevents the accidental scalding that can happen quite frequently by exposure to hot water.


If you want to increase the water pressure in your home, give our San Mateo plumbers a call, we’ve been serving the Bay Area since 1989, and we’re eager to help you remedy any plumbing problem in your home or business.

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San Francisco Underground Utilities & Trenchless Sewer Upgrade

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EPS Inc. dba Express Plumbing in San Mateo is called upon for trenchless sewer replacement due to our advanced equipment, and technical expertise.  Whether it’s underground construction, new construction, residential plumbing, or commercial plumbing repairs.  Homeowners, business owners, and cities consider us the contractor of choice in the Bay Area.

Since 1989 we’ve partnered with the City of San Francisco on many projects and here are some highlights from the recent May 2016 sewer upgrade project located at the busy Embarcadero Center.

The city of San Francisco is continuously upgrading its sewer system and underground utilities throughout the area, our company partners with the city, engineering firms, and various parties involved to facilitate a smooth transition and a successful outcome for our community.

We were contracted to perform a trenchless sewer replacement in a very busy area of San Francisco, proper planning, advanced equipment and a team effort made this project not only successful, but also enjoyable.

Among other things, we replaced an existing 20″ clay sewer main with an 18″ HDPE using a custom bursting head in a process called pipe bursting, this and other advanced equipment and techniques allows us to accomplish excellent results efficiently and with quality not only meets but exceeds our clients’ expectations.

San Francisco is not the only city we serve, we provide general engineering and plumbing services in the entire Bay Area and take pride in doing so.  It’s the community we call our home, and we wanted to especially thank our city for continuing to improve our environment.


We’re proud to hold the title of Contractor of the Year in Silicon Valley and strive to continue providing our community with the excellence they deserve.

Our company only hires the most qualified and experienced plumbing technicians in the industry and they along with our hands-on owner Nick Bechwati are the reason for our success and the success of our projects.

We value your support in the community and ask you to contact us if you’re in need of commercial, residential or municipal engineering or plumbing support.

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2015 Contractor of the Year Insuring Excellence

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It’s common knowledge in the Bay Area that when a municipal contractor is needed, EPS Inc. dba Express Plumbing is the #1 referred engineering and general contractor.

Since 1989, Express Plumbing has partnered with municipalities and public works departments around the Bay Area to insure that projects are completed within budget, meeting stringent requirements, and time constraints.

quality guarantted

In 2015, the American Public Works Association (APWA) Silicon Valley Division named EPS Inc. dba Express Plumbing contractor of the year.

“We love the Bay Area, we’re blessed to work in a place we call home and do what we love most” says Nick Bechwati, the owner of Express Plumbing.

The company was established in 1989, but Nick Bechwati got into the plumbing business at a very young age following the footsteps of his father before him.

As a trusted plumber in San Mateo, they serve the entire Bay Area by offering advanced plumbing, drilling, and engineering techniques that save clients time and money.

This Bay Area Plumbing company has a wide range of residential, commercial, and municipal plumbing services combined with over 30 years of experience and the most advanced equipment available in the industry.

bbbBechwati stated that their continuous efforts include customer service improvements, training, and only hiring technicians that have 5 years of experience in the industry.

“We want all our clients to be happy, the biggest reason for our success is our clients and word-of-mouth referrals”

Like any business, companies strive to achieve excellence in customer service, failures do occur but as long as the company is willing to address and remedy the situation by properly training its employees, that makes a company one you can trust.

24 HOUR PLUMBING SERVICESWith many commercial and residential projects already scheduled, we would not be surprised to see EPS Inc. dba Express Plumbing achieve contractor of the year multiple years in a row.

If you need any plumbing service in the Bay Area, call us for a complimentary evaluation, free quote, and immediate service.  Our emergency plumbing services are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with a live operator to help you.

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Sewer Line Problems – Tips To Avoid Tree Roots in the Sewer Line

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The most common clogged sewer line repairs are the results of tree roots finding their way into the sewer line.  It seems almost impossible to avoid this situation underground, but here are some tips to help you avoid costly sewer line repairs.

Although Express Plumbing specializes in sewer line problems and repairs, we believe prevention is the best policy and this is one of the reasons we are the #1 referred sewer line experts in San Mateo and all Bay Area cities.

Locate Your sewer line

It’s best practice to know exactly where the lines are in your yard and around your home, before you start digging or planting.  Homeowners and business owners can easily find the exact location of underground utilities by contacting the local public works department or the national “Call Before You Dig” 811 number.

Choose Sewer Line Safe Plants

If you’re planning on planting around your home, and you’ve located your sewer lines, try to choose plants that are safe for your sewer line and do not have expanding and overgrowing roots that will reach the distance.  Limit the amount of plants you place close to your sewer line location to avoid sewer line plumbing problems.

tree roots sewer line problems

Here are a few trees to avoid placing over your sewer system.

  • Australian acacias
  • Ash
  • Beech
  • Birch
  • Cypress
  • Elm
  • Eucalyptus
  • Maple
  • Mesquite
  • Mulberry
  • Pepper Tree
  • Poplar
  • Sycamore
  • Willow

If roots have already invaded your sewer line, you may have a problem that needs addressing immediately.  Sometimes the roots from a neighbor’s home will encroach onto your sewer line and this will require you to work closely with the neighbor to address the problem.

Catch  Sewer Line Problems Early

sewer line camera inspectionClogged drains happen all the time and for different reasons, but if you notice you’re having a continuous problem with drains clogging, it may be time to look closer and avoid a bigger plumbing problem.

Frequent Overflowing toilets are also another sign that it may be time to have a regular sewer line inspection done.

Our San Mateo plumbers perform sewer line repairs in the Bay Area frequently.  We also help many homeowners avoid costly sewer line repairs by providing a sewer line inspection service.

It’s important to know what’s lurking in your sewer lines and a video camera inspection can help us catch small plumbing problems before they become a serious plumbing emergency.

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Tankless Water Heater Endless Water

Are Tankless Water Heaters Worth The Investment?

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Installing a tankless water heater initially costs more than the traditional water heater, so before making a decision, a homeowner or business owner wants to make sure a tankless water heater investment is worth it.

tankless water heater installers

Without a doubt, tankless water heaters are more efficient, and save on energy costs.  According to the U.S. Department of energy a tankless water heater can be 24 to 34 percent more efficient than the traditional tank water heater, but that percentage will vary depending on your daily use.

Unlike the traditional tank style water heater, there is no tank, and water is immediately heated when you need it, so there’s no need for your gas or electric to continue running and heating water.  The hot water is generated on demand and this minimizes the utility usage.

How do tankless water heaters work

Are Tankless Water Heaters Gas or Electric?

This is very common question.  These water heaters have increased in demand, and there are many options and styles to choose from.  A tankless water heater comes in natural gas, propane or electric.

Whole House Tankless Water Heater

A whole house water heater can supply hot water to multiple outlets in the home; they usually run on gas or propane, and have a higher flow rate than electric water heaters.

Point Of Use Water Heater

Some homeowners with large homes will install a whole house water heater, but in addition install a point of use water heater for specific appliances that demand a lot of hot water.  The point of use tankless water heaters are usually electric and only deliver to a specific outlet.

All our clients find tankless water heaters to be efficient, they are compact and do not take up much space.  Yes, they do cost more than the traditional water heater, but you’ll want to balance the cost of your unit with your ongoing operating costs.

Our Bay Area plumbing company specializes in advanced plumbing repair and installation techniques to help you save money whether you need residential or commercial plumbing services.

Our tankless water heater installers are professional and experienced to help you become energy efficient and save on operating costs with a new tankless water heater installation in the San Mateo area or anywhere in the Bay area.

Get a Free Tankless Water Heater Estimate


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Why is Video Inspection of Sewer Lines So Important?

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Unfortunately Sewer line plumbing problems tend to come up when we least expect them, but knowing how to handle the situation best can save you lots of money and time. Sewer lines are often the issue, and a video camera inspection can quickly pinpoint the area needing the most attention.

What is a sewer video camera?

Before you get excited send your iPhone down the drain to take a video, it’s important to note that a video camera for the sewer line is a specialty camera generally used by professional plumbers and not available on the open market for the general public. We use it more, so it’s worth the investment.

Why have a sewer line video done?

Let’s just say it won’t be a YouTube hit, but it will minimize the hit on your pocket. Here are some very common reasons why we get called out to perform a video inspection of sewer lines in the Bay Area. This is just a few examples and not a inclusive list of reasons.

  • A real estate transaction may require an inspection on older homes
  • Homeowners lost something of value down the drain and want to locate it
  • A block or clog in the drain that’s in the sewer line and must be located

“A little rat decides to visit during a video inspection”

Sewer line video inspection cost?

Our San Mateo plumbing company always provides a free estimate, so you’ll always know the cost upfront. The exact cost will vary depending on the length of the pipe, location, difficulty in performing the task, and location of the sewer line.

Benefits of a Real-Time Sewer Line Video Inspection

A big problem can be created from a small one if you’re not dealing with an experienced plumber, trenches are dug up, pipes are cut and simply a big mess is created that you don’t want to deal with emotionally or financially.

Real time sewer line inspections save you time and money by taking the guess work out of the equation.

In fact our plumbing company has the advanced equipment needed to perform multi-directional sewer line inspections. We can reach tough places, and our advanced equipment gives your real-time inspection.

Like most home repair problems, catching issues early is very important, so the more you maintain the plumbing the less problems you have in the long run, but if ever you have a lateral line obstruction, sewer repair or installation, you can rely on our San Mateo area plumbers to get it done right the first time. We’ve been your sewer line experts since 1989.

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